Create a scheduled message
Create a new scheduled message.
Changes: In Zulip 7.0 (feature level 184), moved support for
editing a scheduled message to a
separate API endpoint, which removed the scheduled_message_id
parameter from this endpoint.
New in Zulip 7.0 (feature level 179).
Usage examples
# Create a scheduled stream message
curl -X POST \
--data-urlencode type=stream \
--data-urlencode to=9 \
--data-urlencode topic=Hello \
--data-urlencode 'content=Nice to meet everyone!' \
--data-urlencode scheduled_delivery_timestamp=3165826990
# Create a scheduled direct message
curl -X POST \
--data-urlencode type=direct \
--data-urlencode 'to=[9, 10]' \
--data-urlencode 'content=Can we meet on Monday?' \
--data-urlencode scheduled_delivery_timestamp=3165826990
type string required
Example: "direct"
The type of scheduled message to be sent. "direct"
for a direct
message and "stream"
for a stream message.
In Zulip 7.0 (feature level 174), "direct"
was added as the
preferred way to indicate the type of a direct message, deprecating
the original "private"
. While "private"
is supported for
scheduling direct messages, clients are encouraged to use to the
modern convention because support for "private"
may eventually
be removed.
Must be one of: "direct"
, "stream"
, "private"
to integer | (integer)[] required
Example: [9, 10]
The scheduled message's tentative target audience.
For stream messages, the integer ID of the stream.
For direct messages, a list containing integer user IDs.
content string required
Example: "Hello"
The content of the message.
Clients should use the max_message_length
returned by the
POST /register
endpoint to determine
the maximum message size.
topic string optional
Example: "Castle"
The topic of the message. Only required for stream messages
("type": "stream"
), ignored otherwise.
Clients should use the max_topic_length
returned by the
POST /register
endpoint to determine
the maximum topic length.
scheduled_delivery_timestamp integer required
Example: 3165826990
The UNIX timestamp for when the message will be sent,
in UTC seconds.
read_by_sender boolean optional
Example: true
Whether the message should be initially marked read by its
sender. If unspecified, the server uses a heuristic based
on the client name and the recipient.
Changes: New in Zulip 8.0 (feature level 236).
Return values
: integer
The unique ID of the scheduled message.
This is different from the unique ID that the message will have
after it is sent.
Example response(s)
Changes: As of Zulip 7.0 (feature level 167), if any
parameters sent in the request are not supported by this
endpoint, a successful JSON response will include an
A typical successful JSON response may look like:
"msg": "",
"result": "success",
"scheduled_message_id": 42
A typical failed JSON response for when a stream message is scheduled
to be sent to a stream that does not exist:
"msg": "Stream with ID '9' does not exist",
"result": "error",
"stream_id": 9
A typical failed JSON response for when a direct message is scheduled
to be sent to a user that does not exist:
"code": "BAD_REQUEST",
"msg": "Invalid user ID 10",
"result": "error"